Different Af Ursin live repertoires:
-‘Sheet Music’: Acoustic hand played performance on metal sheets mounted on a structure. A very delicate play fully employing the subtle resonance of metal, a slow motion of organic harmonics with an incentive to deep listening. These metal sheets were originally made and used (in a more percussive way) by composer Arsène Souffriau.
-Setting with modified and motorized mechanical sewing machine with various extensions and live electro-acoustic accompaniment. Constructed with the help of Marc Wroblewski (Noise-Maker’s Fifes)
-Multichannel live mixing of prerecorded studio material with video accompaniment.
Apart from solo performances Timo van Luijk did various concerts with Al Margolis, Andrew Chalk (Elodie, Mirror), Bart De Paepe (Ilta Hämärä), Christoph Heemann (In Camera, Mirror), Ditterich von Euler-Donnersperg, Edward Ka-Spel and Silverman, Frederik Croene, Kris Vanderstraeten, Limpe Fuchs, Louise Landes Levi (with Bart De Paepe), Mirror, Noise-Maker’s Fifes, Nurse with Wound, Onde, Raymond Dijkstra (Asra),
Some live fragments on YouTube:
- Timo van Luijk & Ditterich Von Euler-Donnersperg, Sonic Garden Party, City Sonic Namur September 18, 2016.
- Af Ursin, Bart De Paepe, Mark Harwood at Between the Lines, Pêle-Mêle, Waterloo, May 19, 2017
- Timo van Luijk & Frederik Croene at Gent Jazz Festival, Augustijnenklooster Gent, July 24, 2009
For booking or information please get in contact through tivalu@telenet.be
Upcoming performances
Will be announced
Past performances
- Saturday, December 7, 19h00. Af Ursin & Sarah Hennies on Ergot Records event, at Secret Williamsburg residence, Williamsburg, NY, USA
- Thursday, November 21, 21h00. In Camera at Stellage Record Shop, Athens, Greece
- Thursday, September 19, 20h00. In Camera on Ferns Recordings event at Instants Chavirés, Paris
- Friday, September 13, 20h00. In Camera on Auditiver Cortex event at AZ, Aachen, Germany.
- Saturday, August 31, 22h00. Jac Berrocal, Vincent Epplay, Timo van Luijk on 27 years Ultra Eczema event at De Nor, Antwerpen
- Saturday, April 6, 20h00. Limpe Fuchs’ ‘Pianoon’ & ‘Atlantic Crossing’ LP release event organised by Futura Resistenza. Timo van Luijk ‘sheet music’ live performance, Limpe Fuchs piano performance + duo improvisation. At Annexe 1 Laboratoire Central, Rue de l’Inquisition 31, 1000 Brussels.
- Sunday, October 8, 17h00, Timo van Luijk ‘Sheet Music’ live performance at Baudouin Oosterlynck’s gallery Kamer 9 / K9, Rue Robert Boisacq 9, 1330 Rixensart (Belgium).
- Limpe Fuchs & Timo van Luijk
Open air live performance as inauguration of the installation “Between Heaven and Earth” designed by Limpe Fuchs. This permanent installation consists of 4 Pendulum Strings custom made by Bernward Munz and will be played by Limpe and Timo.Thursday June 29
at Porta Vida, Welzijnscampus 11, 3600 Genk (Belgium)
at 15h00! - Friday, June 9, 20h00, Timo van Luijk + Jac Berrocal & Vincent Epplay at Konzertraum, Ubierring 13, Cologne
- Sunday, June 11, 20h00, Jac Berrocal, Vincent Epplay, Timo van Luijk trio at Ateliers Claus, Rue Crickx 15, Brussels
- Sunday, May 28, 19h30, Louise Landes Levi, Bart De Paepe, Timo van Luijk live improvised soundtrack to Ira Cohen’s ‘ ‘The Invasion of the Thunderbolt Pagoda’ movie, as part of Vurige Tongen event at Ruigoord (Amsterdam)
- Wednesday, May 24, 19h00, Timo van Luijk ‘sheet music’ + Clara Levy solo performance at AB Salon, Brussels. Free entrance
- Saturday, March 25, 14h00, Timo van Luijk ‘sheet music’ performance for finissage of Filip Vervaet exposition, at Gallery Plus One, Vlaamse Kaai 74-75, Antwerp
- Friday, November 18, 20h00, Af Ursin, O’ Death Jug, Maria Laurent at Grambacht, Keizerstraat 42, Mechelen
- Friday, June 4, 21h00, Louise Landes Levi, Bart De Paepe and Timo van Luijk trio, open air concert at Klankenbos Nocturne event, Musica, Toekomstlaan 5, Pelt
- Friday, July 15, 20h00, Jac Berrocal, Vincent Epplay, Timo van Luijk trio, open air concert at De Nor, Middelheimlaan 59, 2020 Antwerp
- Wednesday, July 27, Ilta Hämärä at Igreja de Santa Isabel, Lisbon, Portugal
- Thursday, July 9, 19h30, Timo van Luijk & Vincent Epplay live soundtrack to Epplay’s movie ‘Mnémotechnie’ on Interférence_s Festival, Le Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles à Paris, 127-129, rue Saint-Martin, 75004 Paris
- Sunday, December 22, 20h00, Timo van Luijk & Frederik Croene ‘Ipnopedion’LP presentation, Parazzar, Torhoutse Steenweg 10, 8200 Brugge
- Saturday, December 14, 20h00, Timo van Luijk & Frederik Croene ‘Ipnopedion’LP presentation, Werkplaats Walter, Van Lintstraat 43-45, 1070 Anderlecht
- Thursday, December 12, 20h00, Timo van Luijk & Frederik Croene ‘Ipnopedion’LP presentation, Miry Concertzaal, Biezekapelstraat 9, 9000 Gent
- Sunday, November 24, 20h00, Trio Louise Landes Levi, Bart De Paepe & Timo van Luijk, AB Salon, Anspachlaan 110, 1000 Brussels
- Saturday, October 26, Elodie (Andrew Chalk & Timo van Luijk) at Sonikas Festival, Madrid
- Sunday, September 22, 20h00. Af Ursin ‘Sheet Music’ performance and ‘Finisterre’ photo expo at Huize Oosterlynck, Vlamingenstraat 79, 3000 Leuven. Photo expo runs from Saturday September 21, 10h00 – 18h00 till Sunday September 22, 10h00 – 21h00
- Saturday, September 7, 17h00 & 19h00. Af Ursin ‘Sheet Music’ performance as part of 50 year commemoration event/expo of legendary 1969 festival in Amougies organised by Jean Georgakarakos from BYG Actuel, at Maison Communale, Place 2, 7750 Mont de l’Enclus
- Saturday, July 6, 19h30. In Camera (Timo van Luijk & Christoph Heemann) at NNOI Festival, Germany
- Sunday, June 30, 21h00. Af Ursin ‘Sheet Music performance’ at Signaal Festival, Park 8, 8000 Brugge
- Wednesday, June 12, 19h30. Af Ursin / Mathieu Serruys live performance at De Koer, Meibloemstraat 86, 9000 Gent.
- Saturday, June 15, 20h00. Af Ursin / Mathieu Serruys live performance at AB Salon, Steenstraat 23, 1000 Brussels.
- Sunday, May 26, 15h00. Af Ursin solo ‘Sheet Music’ performance + Canaries on the Pole quintet at CC Oratorienhof, Mechelsestraat 111, 3000 Leuven
- Saturday, May 11, 20h00. Duo Jacques Berrocal – Vincent Epplay + Trio Louise Landes Levi – Bart De Paepe – Timo van Luijk at Betahuis, Wilhelminaplein 25, 6411 KW Heerlen, Netherlands
- Tuesday, April 26-28, 20h00. Af Ursin at Colour Out Of Space Festival Brighton (UK).
- Tuesday, April 9, 20h00. Louise Landes Levi, Bart De Paepe and Timo van Luijk at Oorstof Event in Stadsmagazijn, Keistraat 5, 2000 Antwerp.
- Saturday, March 16, 19h30. Ilta Hämärä at Blackest Ever Black Event in Cafe Oto, 18-22 Ashwin Street, Dalston, London.
- Saturday, February 23, 21h00. Ilta Hämärä at Les Ateliers Claus, Crickxstraat 15, 1060 Brussels.
- Saturday, February 16, 20h30. Af Ursin and Frederik Croene solo live set with video projections at Post X, Van Goethemstraat 33, 9820 Merelbeke.
- Wednesday, January 30, 19h00. In Camera playing around 22h on Kraak Event at the Kiosk Gallery, Louis Pasteurlaan 2, 9000 Gent.
- Wednesday, October 31, 19h00. Soirée La Scie Dorée & Meakusma with live premieres of Andrew Chalk, Ecka Mordecai, Tom-James Scott trio and Fredrik Croene & Timo van Luijk duo at Zaal ‘Onder Ons’ Kerkplein 8, 3582 Koersel (Beringen).
- Sunday, September 9, La Scie Dorée showcase in the Kesselraum of the Meakusma Festival with trio Bart De Paepe, Kris Vanderstraeten, daniel duchamP (17h30), duo Timo van Luijk & Daniel Denis (19h30) (Daniel was so kind to replace Michael Ranta who unfortunately needed to cancel his participation due to health reasons), duo Christoph Heemann & Steve Stapleton (21h30). Meakusma, Kulturzentrum Alter Schlachthof, Rotenbergplatz 19, 4700 Eupen (Belgium).
- Friday, July 20, 21h00 Af Ursin live performance at De Nor organized by Ultra Eczema, Middelheimlaan 49, 2020 Antwerpen.
- Saturday, June 30, 18h00 Af Ursin live performance for finissage of Sine van Menxel photo expo at Trampoline, Vlaamsekaai 47, 2000 Antwerpen.
- Saturday, June 9, 21h00 Af Ursin live performance at Humphreys, Rue Saint Laurent 36-38, 1000 Brussels.
- Friday, June 1, 19h45 Timo van Luijk & Frederik Croene live performance as part of ‘In Dreams’ Event at Cultuurcentrum Mechelen, Minderbroedersgang 5, Mechelen. This concert is broadcasted live on Klara Radio.
- Sunday, May 6, 14h30 at H8x12, Horenweg 37, 3390 Tielt-Winge. Music performances, installations, editions on ‘7×1 : H8x12’ event, with P-Art, Mike Kramer, Dominique Vermeesch, Baudouin Oosterlynck, daniel duchamP, Timo van Luijk, Raymond Delepierre
- Friday, April 6, 20h00, Af Ursin live on Blackest Ever Black event at Ancienne Belgique, Brussels, with ao Silvia Kastel, Pessimist, Carla Dal Forno
- Friday, April 20, 19h30, Elodie ciné-concert with ‘Skagafjördur’ film (Peter Hutton) on ‘Nacht van de Experimentele Film’ event at Vooruit (Balzaal), Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 23, 9000 Gent, with also Tom-James Scott live and various film screenings
- Saturday night March 24 – Sunday morning March 25, Elodie extended live performance on The Long Now event at Kraftwerk Berlin
- Friday, March 23, 20h00, Timo van Luijk & Kris Vanderstraeten live at auditorium Bib Leuven, Dieststestraat 49, 3000 Leuven, Belgium. Release concert of their ‘Arrêt au Lac Chimère’ LP on La Scie Dorée
- Friday, March 16, Af Ursin, Frederik Croene & Karl Van Welden on opening of Karl Van Welden’s ‘Vulcano Notes’ expo at Gouvernement, Gent, Belgium. Release concerts of Karl Van Welden & Frederik Croene ‘Mars II’ 2LP on Metaphon and Timo van Luijk & Frederik Croene ‘Fortune de Mer’ LP on La Scie Dorée
- Tuesday, February 2, Ilta Hämärä live at Smiegd, Hasselt, Belgium
- Saturday, December 23, Af Ursin live at Sonikas Festival, Madrid
- Friday, November 24, 21h00, Af Ursin live performance on Ultra Eczema 20 years at De Player, Hillelaan 49D, Rotterdam NL. Also performing that night ao Stilluppsteypa, Vaast Colson
- Friday, July 21, 20h00, Af Ursin live performance on Sounds of the Arch #2 event at Thor Park, André Dumontlaan 67, 3600 Genk.
- Sunday, June 4, 15h00, expo of special edition of the new Af Ursin LP “Itinera”. 99 different handmade sleeves with collage and painting. Each copy is unique. The entire edition will be exposed and offered for sale. Price 40 euro. For the opening there will be a short Af Ursin performance in the shop : Tune-Up Records, Melkmarkt 17 (1st floor), 2000 Antwerp.
- Friday, May 19, 20h00, new concert series ‘Between the Lines’ with Af Ursin – Bart De Paepe – Astor. Pële-Mële Waterloo, Rue François Libert 19A, 1410 Waterloo.
- Friday, April 21, 20h00, 8 Musicians, 8 Spontaneous Compositions event at Oratoriënhof, Mechelsestraat 111, 3000 Leuven. Improvised music event with Timo van Luijk, Frans van Isacker, Frederik Leroux, Gerard Herman, Gino Coomans, Daniël Duchamp, Ivo Machiels, Kris Vanderstraeten.
- Friday, April 7, 22h30 Af Ursin live performance on ‘Things that go Bump’ event at Jan van Eyck Academie, Academieplein 1, Maastricht (Netherlands).
- Saturday, March 18, 20h30 Music performance evening with Timo van Luijk, Frederik Croene, Gerard Herman at PostX, Van Goethemstraat 33, 9820 Merelbeke.
- Saturday, February 18, 20h00 Ilta Hämärä (Timo van Luijk & Bart De Paepe) live at Artenova, Hendrik Consciencestraat 56, Mechelen. Jeph Jerman & Tim Barnes are also performing that evening
- Saturday, December 10, 20h00 première of ‘Heremiet’ – text and music performance with Zefiro Torna, Tom Hannes, Mauro Pawlowski, Timo van Luijk. At De Bijloke, Jozef Kluyskensstraat 2, 9000 Gent.
- Friday, November 4, 20h30 avant-première of ‘Heremiet’ – text and music performance with Zefiro Torna, Tom Hannes, Mauro Pawlowski, Timo van Luijk. At Arenberg, Arenbergstraat 28, 2000 Antwerpen.
- Saturday, November 5, 20h00 première of ‘Heremiet’ – text and music performance with Zefiro Torna, Tom Hannes, Mauro Pawlowski, Timo van Luijk. At CC Mechelen, Minderbroedersgang 5, 2800 Mechelen.
- Friday October 7, Elodie (Timo van Luijk, Andrew Chalk, Tom James Scott) at Islington Mill, Salford UK. Reizen will also perform that night. More info: islingtonmill.com
- Saturday October 8, Elodie (Timo van Luijk, Andrew Chalk, Tom James Scott) & Af Ursin at Fuse Art Space, Bradford UK. Reizen will also perform that night. More info: wearefuse.co
- Sunday October 9, Elodie (Timo van Luijk, Andrew Chalk, Tom James Scott) at Cafe Oto, London UK. Reizen will also perform that night. More info: cafeoto.co.uk
- Monday September 19, 19h30, Timo van Luijk & Ditterich von Euler Donnersperg duo performance on BAADM event at OFFoff Art Cinema, Lange Violetstraat 237, Gent. Frederik Croene and Mathieu Serruys are also performing that night.
- Sunday September 18, 15h00, Timo van Luijk & Ditterich von Euler Donnersperg duo performance on Sonic City Event, Devant la Chapelle, Rue des Telleirs 5, Mons.
- Saturday September 17, 20h00, Timo van Luijk & Ditterich von Euler Donnersperg duo performance on Ultra Eczema’s Studio Blubber Event at De Studio, Maarschalk Gerardstraat 4, Antwerp. Anne Gillis and John Bender are also performing that night.
- Saturday September 10, 20h00, Timo van Luijk live performance at Occasionele Ontmoetingen exhibition, Schaffensestraat 54, Diest
- Friday, June 17, 21h00 Af Ursin live performance for presentation of new ‘Classement Vertical’ LP on Ultra Eczema. At ‘De Studio’, Maarschalk Gerardstraat 4, Antwerp.
- Thursday, May 12, 20h00 Solo performance on Glass-sheet for opening of Warner Berckmans expo at Kunstennacht 2016 Clarenhof, Guffenslaan 43, Hasselt
- Sunday, May 15, 21h00 Performing as guest with Nurse With Wound on Incubate Festival 013, Veemarktstraat 44, Tilburg
- Sunday, May 22, 20h00 In Camera (Timo van Luijk & Christoph Heemann) concert LLS 387, Lange Leemstraat 387, Antwerpen
- Thursday, February 25, 20h30 – Ilta Hämärä (new project of Timo van Luijk with Bart de Paepe) live on Mima event at Roodkapje, Teilingerstraat 128, Rotterdam (Netherlands)
- Friday, February 26, 20h00 – Ilta Hämärä live on Kraak Fest at Beursschouwburg, A. Ortstraat 20-28, 1000 Brussels
- Sunday, February 28, 15h00 – Timo van Luijk live performance with glass instruments on the finissage of ‘glass’ exposition at De Mijlpaal, Brugstraat 45, Heusden-Zolder
- Timo van Luijk video ‘Petite Valse’ on ‘Glass-Works’ expostion in Gallery De Mijlpaal, Heusden-Zolder (Belgium). Group expo with ao Baudouin Oosterlynck, Warner Berckmans, Octave Landuyt,…
- Sunday november 1, 20h00 Af Ursin live performance on Solar Nights event at Oostblok, 2e van Swindenstraat 26, Amsterdam.
- Monday november 9, 19h00 Af Ursin live performance on Live House opening night at Q-O2, Koolmijnenkaai 30-34, 1080 Brussels.
- Saturday october 17, 20h00 : Timo van Luijk & Kris Vanderstraeten improvisation concert at Cellulle 133A, Avenue Ducpétiaux 133A, 1060 Brussels. Also playing that night : Lawrence Casserley, Yoki Miura, JM Van Schouwburg, Tom Jackson, PM Zaleski.
- Monday september 21 Performance Timo van Luijk, Daniel van Acker, Dominique Vermeesch for vernissage of exhibition ‘Les Soeurs Noires’ by Dominique Vermeesch. Begijnhofkerk, Place du Beguinage, 1000 Brussels.
- Saturday september 26, Af Ursin live performance at ICA, London on Blackest Ever Black Event. With ao Officer!, Berrocal/Fennech/Epplay, Stefan Jaworzyn,… from midday till nighttime
- Tuesday june 9, 20h30 Timo van Luijk & Kris Vanderstraeten duo improvisation at Recyclart/Vitrine 7, Ursulinenstraat 21, 1000 Brussels. Nicolas Lelièvre will also perform that evening.
- Saturday may 9, 20h30 Trio Limpe Fuchs, Christoph Heemann and Timo van Luijk at Les Ateliers Claus, Crickxstraat 15,1060 Brussels. Mathieu Serruys will also perform that evening.
- Tuesday may 12, 20h30 Trio Limpe Fuchs, Christoph Heemann and Timo van Luijk at Stadtgarten, Venloerstrasse 40, 50672 Köln, Germany. Ansgar Wilken will also perform that night.
- Saturday february 28, 20h00 Af Ursin at Oorstof event, Zuiderpershuis, Waalse Kaai 14, Antwerpen. Joris de Laet, Aluda Lextherni, Rudi Claessens, Dan Decalut will also perform that night.
- Saturday february 7, 20h00 Elodie at Geräuschwelten Festival, Black Box/Cuba Cultur, Achtermann Strasse 12, Münster. Compound Eye and Artificial Memory Trace will also perform that night.
- Saturday October 11, 12h00 Elodie with Tom-James Scott and Jean-Noël Rebilly at Tusk Festival, Star & Shadow Cinema, Stepney Bank, NE1 2NP, Newcastle upon Tyne UK).
- ‘De magie van de achtertuin’ exhibition of photo prints by Timo van Luijk as part of Unexposed 2014. Exihibition runs from friday September 12 till sunday September 21 (10h-18h) at Huis Oosterlynck, Vlamingenstraat 79, 3000 Leuven. With Af Ursin concert on saturday September 13 (20h00) and on sunday September 21 (15h00) also at Huis Oosterlynck.
- Saturday September 27, 20h00 – Timo van Luijk & Kris Vanderstraeten concert at Espace Etincelle, Overwinningstraat 158 Rue de la Victoire, 1060 Brussels. Detelina Georgieva and Jan Pillaert/Mike Goyvaerts will also perform on this Resonare #8 event.
- Some collages and monotype prints shown at ‘Mine Art II’ from saturday July 5 till sunday July 27. André Dumontlaan 67, 3600 Genk (open tuestday till sunday 13h – 18h).
- Audio installation ‘Cycle AB’ at ‘Bloed’ exhibition from July 5 till August 31. Alden Biesen castle, Kasteelstraat 6, 3760 Bilzen (open tuesday till sunday 10h – 17h).
- Saturday June 7 & sunday june 8, Elodie live at ‘Dunkelzelt’ as part of the Moers Festival, der Musikschule, Filderstrasse 126, Moers (Germany)
- Friday May 16, 20h00, live performance with Ditterich von Euler Donnersperg as part of Blurred Edges Festival, Galerie Neuffer, Rellinger Strasse 22, Hamburg (Germany)
- Saturday May 10, 20h30, live performances by Af Ursin, Limpe Fuchs & Jacques Foschia, Mike Goyvaerts at Ateliers Mommen, Rue de la Charité 37, 1210 Sint-Joost-ten-Noode (Belgium)
- Sunday April 20, 19h30, Metaphon event in Ancienne Belgique, Anspachlaan 110, 1000 Brussels. Live performances, videos and new releases by Baudouin Oosterlynck, Joris de Laet and Timo van Luijk
- Saturday, January 18, 20h00 : Elodie (with special guests Tom James Scott & Jean-Noël Rebilly) at Café OTO, 18-22 Ashwin St, London.
- Tuesday, February 25, Af Ursin performance at Café Central, Borgval 14, 1000 Brussels. Also performing: My Cat is an Alien.
- Friday, February 28, Af Ursin alternative soundtrack interpretation to Derek Jarman’s ‘Blue’ at OFFoff Cinema, Begijnenhof ter Hoye, Lange Violettestraat 237, 9000 Gent. Maan and Vortex Campaign are also participating to this project.
- Saturday, October 5, 20h00 : Af Ursin acoustic performance on ‘Resonare #3’ at Espace Etincelle, Rue de la Victoire 158, 1060 Brussels. Also performing that night Mike Goyvaerts, Kris Vanderstraeten, Kostas Tatsakis, Claude Colpaert, Pat Riské.
- Saturday June 15, 16h00 : Timo van Luijk performance and expo of etchings and collages at Expo Buro-Beukorkest, TAC (Enozaal), Vonderweg 1, 5611 BK Eindhoven (Netherlands). Other exposing/performing artist a.o. Rik van Iersel, Peter Jacquemyn, Han Bennink, Johanna Schweitzer… Exposition runs until July 7.
- Sunday June 16, 21h00 : Timo van Luijk & Kris Vanderstraeten duo improvisation concert at Karel Karel, Hoogstraat 136, 1000 Brussels
- Sunday April 21, 11h00 and 14h00 : Timo van Luijk & Frederik Croene duo performance on ‘Histories of Thought’ at Sint-Pietersabdij, Sint-Pietersplein 9, 9000 Gent
- Saturday January 26, 19h00 : Timo van Luijk & Kris Vanderstraeten duo on OMFI #14 at Micro Marché, Quai à la Houille 9, 1000 Brussels.
- Saturday December 8, 20h00 : Timo van Luijk & Limpe Fuchs solo/duo at Experimentelle Musik 2012, Akademie der Bildenden Kunst, München (Germany)
- Friday December 7, 20h00 : Timo van Luijk & Limpe Fuchs duo at Studio KreativGarage, Rosa-Aschenbrenner-Bogen (Germany)
- Friday November 9, 20h00, Timo van Luijk & Kris Vanderstraeten at De Jazzzolder, Sint Romboutskerkhof 2, Mechelen (Belgium). The trio Sureau will be performing the same evening.
- Friday November 2, 20h00, Elodie playing live with guests Tom James Scott & Jean-Noël Rebilly at Oratoriënhof, Mechelsestraat 111, 3000 Leuven (Belgium)
- Friday October 26, 19h00, Af Ursin solo performance + Limpe Fuchs & Timo van Luijk at Netwerk, Houtkaai, 9300 Aalst (Belgium)
- Saturday October 20, 20h30, Timo van Luijk in duo with Limpe Fuchs at Kunstencentrum Signe, Willemstraat 91a, Heerlen (Netherlands). Pierre Berthet will also be performing the same evening.
- Sunday June 3 till sunday August 26 : ‘Kortsluiting’ audio-video installation by Timo van Luijk for ‘High Voltage’ exposition at Gallery de Mijlpaal, Brugstraat 45, 3550 Heusden-Zolder (Belgium)
- Sunday August 12, 21h00, In Camera open air concert at La Casa Encendida (Terrazza), Madrid (Spain)
- Friday July 13, 20h30, In Camera open air concert at Place de la Monnaie, Brussels
- June 5 – 18, In Camera US & Canada tour.
- Thursday February 23, 20h00. Af Ursin live at Gunther, Oudaan 12 – space 33, Antwerp (Belgium)
- Saturday, February 4, 20h00. Elodie (Timo van Luijk & Andrew Chalk) at Cafe OTO, 18-22 Ashwin Street, Dalston, London E8 3DL, (UK)
- Saturday, January 28, 20h00. Timo van Luijk & Kris Vanderstraeten at Kunstencentrum Belgie, Burgemeester Bollenstraat 54, 3500 Hasselt (Belgium)
- Monday, January 23, 18h30, Af Ursin live performance at Kultuurkaffee, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels as opening for ‘La Semaine du Son’. Between 24-01 and 26-01 from 10h-17h an installation version of the live setting will be shown at the same location. This installation ‘Couture Sonore’ consists of a modified mechanical sewing machine, a carrousel of string percussion, 4 track tape and various accessories and was conceived by Timo van Luijk and Marc Wroblewski.
- Sunday, December 11, 15h00. Elodie (Andrew Chalk & Timo van Luijk) at Les Ateliers Claus, Passage Charles Rogier, 1210 Brussels. Also performing the same afternoon Cedric Lerouley & Jean-Noël Rebilly.
- Thursday, October 27, 20h00. Af Ursin/Christoph Heemann/In Camera at Intro in situ, Capucijnengang 12, Maastricht (Netherlands)
- Friday, October 7, 20h00. Af Ursin at Entrepot Fictif, Jakob van Caeneghemstraat 16, 9000 Gent (Belgium).
- Wednesday, July 20, 20h30. Duo concert Timo van Luijk & Kris Vanderstraeten at Oratoriënhof, Mechelsestraat 111, 3000 Leuven (Belgium). Also performing the same evening Al Margolis/If Bwana.
- Sunday, June 12, 15h00. Duo concert Timo van Luijk & Kris Vanderstraeten at Gr’ambacht, Keizerstraat 42, Mechelen (Belgium). + Helbaard poster expo.
- Thursday, June 16, 20h00. Af Ursin – short live intermezzos during opening of graphics exhibition ‘Anders dan anders’ at Lucas Creativ Gallery, Heuveneindeweg 113, Zonhoven (Belgium)
- Friday, April 29, 21h00. Duo concert Timo van Luijk & Ditterich von Euler Donnersperg at kuS, Willemstraat 91a, Heerlen (Netherlands). Also performing the same evening P-ART.
- Thursday, April 28, 20h30. Duo concert Timo van Luijk & Ditterich von Euler Donnersperg at Extrapool, Tweede Walstraat 5, 6511 LN Nijmegen (Netherlands)
- Friday, April 15, 22h00. Af Ursin solo + duo concert Timo van Luijk & Limpe Fuchs at SAS music club, Cour du Château, CP-442, CH-2800 Delémont (Suisse). Also playing Kiko C. Esseiva/VdR duo.
- Thursday, April 14, 20h00 Af Ursin solo + duo concert Timo van Luijk & Limpe Fuchs at Postsaal, Trostberg (Germany)
- Monday, April 4, 20h00. Duo concert Timo van Luijk & Andrew Chalk on Sonic Protest Festival in Eglise St-Merry, 76 Rue de la verrerie 75004 Paris (France).
- Thursday, March 24, 17h00. Participation in Aifoon Orchestra, Cirque Bijloke, Louis Pasteurlaan 2, 9000 Gent (Belgium)
- Sunday, February 27, 15h30: In Camera (Timo van Luijk & Christoph Heemann) live performance on Musiques Insolites concert series at Les Ateliers Claus, Passage Charles Rogier, 1210 Brussels (Belgium). Also playing the same afternoon Edward Ka-Spel & Silverman.
- Friday, January 28, 19h00: Af Ursin live performance on Musica’s New Years reception at Dommelhof, Toekomstlaan 5b, 3910 Neerpelt (Belgium). Private concert.
- Saturday, November 6, 20h30: Af Ursin live performance on Soirée Brul #04 at Les Ateliers Claus, Passage Charles Rogier, 1210 Brussels (Belgium)
- Saturday, October 16, 20h00: Af Ursin at Anthony’s, Visserij 117, 9000 Gent (Belgium)
- Thursday, October 14: Af Ursin solo performance and duo session with Greg Malcolm at Extrapool, Tweede Walstraat 5, 6511 LN Nijmegen (Netherlands)
- Friday, October 8, 20h30: Timo van Luijk with Limpe Fuchs and Edward Ka-Spel on ‘Com.Post #15’ at The Player, Hillelaan 49-d, 3072 JE Rotterdam (Netherlands). An evening curated by Raymond Dijkstra
- Thursday, October 7, 20h00: Af Ursin on ‘Free Sounds Festival’, Oratoriënhof, Mechelsestraat 111, 3000 Leuven (Belgium)
- Sunday, October 3: Af Ursin, Asra, Raymond Dijkstra live performance on (h)ear at kuS, Willemstraat 91a, 6412 AP Heerlen (Netherlands)
- Sunday, September 19: Asra (Timo van Luijk & Raymond Dijkstra) on Incubate Festival at Paradox, Telegraafstraat 62, 5038 BM, Tilburg (Netherlands)
- Sunday, September 5, 15h00: Af Ursin solo performance and musical accompaniment to poems by Andreas Weiland based on the exposed prints of Luc Piron, H8X12, Horenweg 37, 3390 Tielt Winge (Belgium)
- Monday, August 2 – Sunday, August 29: ‘Couture Sonore’ : Motorised installation for mechanic sewing machine, carrousel of string percussion, 4 track tape and various objects. Clarissenklooster, Guffenslaan 43, 3500 Hasselt (Belgium)
- August 1: Af Ursin solo performance for exclusive preview of ‘Ingewikkeld’ exhibition. Clarissenklooster, Guffenslaan 43, 3500 Hasselt (Belgium)
- June 26: Af Ursin solo performance (first live solo in 5 years) for ‘Pop Art’ exhibition. NICC, Tulpstraat 79, 2060 Antwerpen (Belgium)
- May 3: With Nurse with Wound on ‘Broken Sounds #4’. Stadtgarten, Venloerstrasse 40, 50672 Köln (Germany)
- May 1: Asra (Timo van Luijk & Raymond Dijkstra). Theater Kikker, Ganzenmarkt 14, 3500 AD Utrecht (Netherlands)
- April 17: Asra on ‘Dekorder Night’. Maakhaven, Calandkade 157, Den Haag (Netherlands)
- March 4: Asra on ‘Overtollig Vet #4’. Worm, Achterhaven 148, Rotterdam (Netherlands)
- February 28: Asra on ’25 jaar Kapotte Muziek’. Occii, Amstelveenseweg 134, 1075 XL Amsterdam (Netherlands)