Duo of Timo van Luijk & Raymond Dijkstra.
Asra, La Poupée Délirante… : La Poupée Délirante… – LP
Astres d’Or, d’or 040, Netherlands 2020
Signed and numbered edition of 25 copies in handmade recycled sleeve
with original monotype etching by Timo van Luijk
A Side excerpt “Rotoquelle”
B Side excerpt “Ortoquelle”
Asra, La Poupée Délirante… is the epiphany of Asra, La Poupée Dilettante… while dreaming of existing as La Poupée Vivante… She has never really existed… Nor will she ever… Asra, she lives in a dream, undreamed by no-one. She is the all-forgotten… The non-sensical, incapable of being sensed. She lurks somewhere in lightness. Só light, it can’t be spotted. She radiates a beautiful smell, só nice, it can’t be smelled. That is, here, where you are… Where I am… I have never seen her… But I have met her… In a moment só intense, it can’t be remembered. A moment where I no longer was me. Where there were no memories and which moment could never be remembered. I have forgotten about her.
Asra, La Poupée Dilettante… : La Poupée Dilettante… – LP
Astres d’Or, d’or 041, Netherlands 2020
Signed and numbered edition of 25 copies in gatefold sleeve
with original artwork by Rayastre. Fire on cardboard.
A Side excerpt ‘Brûlages I’
A Side excerpt ‘Brûlages II’
J’ai oublié que le temps a existé … Il n’a jamais été là … Je n’ai jamais été la … ni suis-je maintenant
Asra, La Poupée Vivante: Le Feu – LP
Des Astres d’Or,d’or 005, Netherlands 2017
Signed and numbered edition of 25 copies in handmade sleeves
13 sleeves by Timo van Luijk (ink – doubleprint monotype)
12 sleeves by Raymond Dijkstra (fire, paint, ink, thread and needle)
Recorded at Kulta Saha, 2014
Mixed, mastered and cut on vinyl by Raymond Dijkstra at bhaavitaaH bhuutasthaH, 2017
La Poupée Vivante: La Poupée Vivante – LP
La Scie Dorée, Scie 1213, Belgium 2014
Edition of 300 copies with printed inner sleeve.
Four movements of electro-acoustic and vocal poetry projecting luminous
shadows of a decadent fin de siècle.
Timo van Luijk, Frédérique Bruyas, Arlette Aubin.
Les possibilités hypothétiques d’erreur
Par la lune ébauché
Asra: Souvenir à Asra – LP
Le Souffleur, LS 02, Netherlands 2003
Numbered edition of 300 copies in plastic sleeve with single paper cover.
Some copies are unnumbered.
Asra: Souvenir à Asra – CDr
Le Souffleur, LS 07, Netherlands 2006
Edition of 100 copies in stencilprint cover