Timo van Luijk & Graham Stewart
Lumine: Quiet Ends – LP
Played, recorded and mixed by Timo van Luijk & Graham Stewart at Kulta Saha, 2017-2018.
Sleeve drawing, design and text by John Whyte.
La Scie Dorée, Scie 2119, Belgium 2019
Edition of 300 copies
With download card
Lumine: All the Unnamed – LP
New project of Timo van Luijk with Graham Stewart and John Whyte.
From a blank page appeared six chapters of sparse electronics and acoustic instrumentals.
A subtle story revealing the slowly moving interplay of delicate sonic tension and distant drama of desolate melodies.
Played, recorded and mixed by Timo van Luijk & Graham Stewart at Kulta Saha, 2015-2016.
Sleeve drawing, design and text by John Whyte.
Photography Conny Cams
La Scie Dorée, Scie 1617, Belgium 2017
Edition of 350 copies
With download card