

Timo van Luijk & Graham Stewart


Lumine: Quiet Ends – LP

‘Quiet Ends’, the 2nd album by Lumine, draws an isolationist scenery with subtly merging halftones of twilight.
The penumbra diffuses mysterious textures and a melancholic hypnotic atmosphere conductive to introspection.
In the gathering darkness all troubling details of reality melt into large evocative masses and abstract surfaces.

Played, recorded and mixed by Timo van Luijk & Graham Stewart at Kulta Saha, 2017-2018.
Sleeve drawing, design and text by John Whyte.

La Scie Dorée, Scie 2119, Belgium 2019
Edition of 300 copies
With download card


Lumine: All the Unnamed – LP

New project of Timo van Luijk with Graham Stewart and John Whyte.
From a blank page appeared six chapters of sparse electronics and acoustic instrumentals.
A subtle story revealing the slowly moving interplay of delicate sonic tension and distant drama of desolate melodies.
Played, recorded and mixed by Timo van Luijk & Graham Stewart at Kulta Saha, 2015-2016.
Sleeve drawing, design and text by John Whyte.
Photography Conny Cams

La Scie Dorée, Scie 1617, Belgium 2017
Edition of 350 copies
With download card